Thoughts Become Things


With The Journey to You Course

Originally a 6 week course; now learn at your own pace, with personal coaching available




So glad you are here and making a commitment to yourself!


We’ve spent our lives making commitments to others although your life ignites when you start making and keeping commitments to yourself!

Energy, Biology, Science, Physics, Neuroplasticity, Magic!


You are an Electromagnetic Bio-Beacon, transmitting and receiving information to and from the universe and every other human at every moment! Once you discover that you are pure energy and learn how to harness that energy, everything in your life will shift. Your seemingly random thoughts, feelings and emotions will start to make sense and not seem so random. Once you understand that you can harness this energy and you are the narrator of these thoughts, feelings and emotions, you can start to not only manage them, but forge them in alignment with your desires.

This is when life stops happening to you and begins to happen


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WEEK 1: Why you do what you do

  • 3 Different perceptions of “experiencing” the world and awakening to your true nature. Moving from victim to victor
  • Why you do what you do. Human psychology - Nurture or nature, i.e., your domestication.  How you were raised determined your subconscious programing
  • Understanding the child brain helps explain, “why you do what you do”. You can rewrite the program and we will later in the series, once we understand the brain a little better 
  • Why do you keep doing the same thing and expecting different results? Your neural programming, how it happened and later, how to rewire it! 
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Week 2: You are Energy

  • The science and physics behind your bio-energy field (aura). How to see and interact with your energy field and also see it in others. This is a game changer! 
  • You are an electromagnetic bio beacon, transmitting and receiving frequency based information from the universe at every moment! Learn how to tune in
  • Every cell in your body has intelligence and listens to your thoughts, feelings, emotions and what you believe is possible for you in this world. How to get cellularly congruent, so you can manifest more efficiently
  • You are 100% responsible for your energy! If you aren’t controlling your energy, someone else is. How to protect your energy; understanding cords and attachments
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Week 3: Healthy Body

  • You are a spirit having a human experience. This is the only body you get; learn how to care for it
  • Busting the myths. Don’t follow the fads – most “new” diet programs are old programs rewritten to resell to the public…
  • Certain things just work – stick with the basics until you get more comfortable, then find your own science
  • Different diets for different body types. What type are you?
  • Different exercise and diet for different needs. Most people don’t properly eat or exercise for their desire needs. Understanding your body type and desired outcome makes all the difference
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Week 4: Your Central Nervous System

  • What is your central nervous system? Sympathetic, Parasympathetic, Autonomic how it works and how to manage it and take charge of it
  • Thoughts, feelings, emotions. What comes first and how to manage feelings and emotions
  • When you are triggered, you lose your ability to think clearly. Understanding and rewiring your your triggers
  • Stress hormones, what are they, why you're addicted to them and how to manage them
  • Coping and calming techniques to disengage the stress response, i.e Breathwork, EFT tapping and more
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Week 5: Neural Pathways and Habits

  • The 5 different prevailing brainwaves. What are they and how to navigate them for more powerful focus and meditation
  • Habits: Rewiring Neural pathways and forming new ones. Hint, it's easier in a different brainwave
  • Understanding motivation and how to harness it to serve your needs vs wants
  • Delete the blocks that are keeping you from achieving your goals. You get in the way of you; rewiring your brain is easier then you think, when you understand how it works 
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Week 6: Tapping into your mind

  • Understanding and utilizing different brain waves to dive deeper into your subconscious and rewrite your program
  • Tapping into "Flow State". Surfing your alpha wave. Used by high performers and olympic athletes
  • Quick meditation life hacks and mental shortcuts to help you access your subconscious mind quicker
  • Meditation and some self-hypnosis to rewire yourself for optimum performance
  • Wrapping it all up to create the new you!
  • This course will change your life!  
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